Sunday, March 9, 2014

There Will Be Blood: Oil Explosion

Maddie Lavoie
Mr. Bauks
Period 4

The importance of a major scene in the film There Will Be Blood was established through the focus and filming of the shot. The scene displays Daniel's laborers working along the oil plant from a far, but also shows HW atop the woodwork watching the task. The only sound heard being of the machinery creaking as the production of oil continues. The camera begins to move forward and zoom in on the contraption that is connected to a rope streaming down under ground. As the rope is now in focus moving up and down, the rope begins to shake uncontrollably. A new shot is recorded from a forward angle including the focus of the worker guiding the rope and the rope itself. The man screams out to take cover as the explosion takes off. I found that the zoom into the rope caused suspicion of what would take place next followed by the only sound of creaking machinery. As for focus, when the man is screaming for everyone to take cover, both the worker and rope are in focus to provide the fear and concern of the man setting the mood of the scene along with the rope showing the action.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Maddie- I agree that the oil explosion scene is extremely important as a symbol in the film. I think that the explosion respresented the disasters that would follow. This scene was very suspenseful, which did a great job of contributing to the meaning of the scene.
