Friday, March 28, 2014

Room 237

The documentary 237 was outrageously ridiculous. I’m not saying that I’m not open-minded but some people literally did not have a point and were just talking. One of the “experts” was actually interrupted by his crying baby revealing they were nowhere near a professional setting. Some of the theorist believed that the blood and the German brand typewriter represented the holocaust. Their was on theory that I could almost get on board with, which was the genocide against the Native Americans. It makes sense, considering the cause of the supernatural events was the hotel being located on an Indian burial ground. However this is still far fetched. The quality of the subject matter matches the quality of the audio. It was almost like these people who made the documentary knew their ideas were so incredibly ridiculous, so they kept the microphone that they were speaking into at such a low decibel so that you could only semi here them, and could only semi hear their wild theories. I had to turn the subtitles on because the audio was so technically bad, as if hearing the ideas weren’t bad enough.  I recommend this movie if you have hearing comparable to Daredevil’s and have a tolerance bullcrap.

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